
Mitch HobishInnovation, Leadership, Productivity

I just spent a couple of days in fly-on-the-wall mode at the 2011 Great Divide Weather Workshop, which focused on sharing innovative science and service, with researchers and practitioners of meteorology, hydrology and related fields from across the Northern Rocky Mountains and High Plains, as well as the Pacific Northwest and Great Basin. The idea was to present and share …

High Expectations, Disappointing Reality. Or is it?

Mitch HobishInnovation

Apple has successfully transformed itself from its origins as a computer manufacturer into a consumer electronics innovator, manufacturer, and marketing whiz-bang machine.  Witness the often blocks-long lines that await receipt of newly announced products. It’s gotten to the point that just about anything Apple announces sets off a speculation and purchase frenzy unequaled with most other such products. And so …

How Would You Bet?

Mitch HobishInnovation, Leadership

Lots of news today about a finding that under some conditions neutrinos may (I emphasize may) travel faster than the speed of light, a clear contravention of a basic tenet of physics.  In this light (yes, that’s a joke), I found this little item to be of interest: Source: Given all the pronouncements lately about changes to established paradigms—often …

Is Failure an Option?

Mitch HobishGrowth, Innovation, Leadership, Productivity

Failure seems to be much in the news lately. Over the space of just a few days, I came across several interesting items in the New York Times (What if the Secret to Success Is Failure?), the Harvard Business Review (Three Ways to Turn Setbacks into Progress), and a blog post from The 99 Percent (Why Success Always Starts with …

New Heavy-launch System: What Will We Use It For?

Mitch HobishGrowth, Innovation, Leadership

After too much time, effort, and political wrangling, Charles Bolden, the NASA administrator, has announced to the world the design for a new heavy-lift Space Launch System.  Nominally designed to take over the Space Shuttle’s duties with respect to servicing the International Space Station, it is also being touted as our ride into the next chapters in the U.S.’s (and, …

Why Fix It…

Mitch HobishInnovation, Leadership, Productivity

An item in this morning’s online Wall Street Journal caught my eye.  It deals with a redesign of a very common office and household item, the venerable paper clip. In summary, ACCO Brands Corp., one of two key manufacturers of this item, is introducing a new version of the paper clip, which they’ve been making since 1903.  From a purely …

Perceived Powerlessness

Mitch HobishGrowth, Innovation, Leadership, Productivity

As I write this, the Eastern Seaboard of the U.S. is feeling more than a bit of what Earth’s dynamic systems can evince: Hurricane Irene—while weakening from its higher-powered status—is causing major disruptions to various ecological systems and those wrought by humanity, as well.  Whole areas of Maryland, New Jersey, and Delaware are being evacuated, and the mayor of New …