Hydrodynamics and Crowds

Mitch HobishGrowth, Innovation, Leadership, Productivity

I took some time today to try to catch up on readings that have eluded me owing to other, perhaps more pressing matters. An article in the December 2011 issue of Communications of the ACM 54(12) caught my eye, with the engaging title of “Visual Crowd Surveillance through a Hydrodynamics Lens”, by Moore, Ali, Mehran, and Shah (included just for …

Married to an Idea: Is it Time for a Divorce?

Mitch HobishGrowth, Leadership, Productivity

I’ve been working on an in-house project for a couple of months. It’s one of those things that can (and did) become almost all-consuming, as there were many components, all of which had to fit together into a cohesive unit for optimum effectiveness. I was within days of launching it, when I realized that a major piece of it just …

Spending Time Well

Mitch HobishProductivity

I’ve been using computers since 1968. I taught myself BASIC via a time-share arrangement, using a 110 Baud teletype connected to a computer several hundred miles away. Storage was on paper tape, and execution times were glacial, but I was using a computer! Time wore on. The personal computer age arrived, and I got very familiar with command-line control, first …


Mitch HobishGrowth, Leadership, Productivity

“The champion is the guy who keeps getting up” [Originator unknown to me.] Such a simple statement, really, yet filled–as such things often are–with lots of material to ponder. I chose this quote for this Thought for the Day (TFTD) because recent changes in my professional activities left me wondering if I had it in me to get back into …

You Think You’ve Got Privacy? Think Again!

Mitch HobishGrowth, Productivity

Recent kerfuffles on the online privacy scene owing to a change in Google’s “privacy” policies reminded me of  several such that have surfaced over the past few months. One has to do with a utility embedded in many smart phones that allows your carrier to track your usage of the various services to which you are subscribed. This utility is …

When It’s Someone Else’s Turn

Mitch HobishGrowth, Leadership, Productivity

The Lovely and Talented Janice just got through a very hard week, preparing for and participating in a crafts show to support the local women’s help center. I’ve learned over the years to just stay out of her way during such periods, and to do more than my usual share of household support in addition to what emotional and logistical …

Time: Wasting It or Spending It

Mitch HobishGrowth, Productivity

A quick little note for today: A friend sent me a link to this piece of fluff. When I was finished visiting the site, my immediate reaction was, “Well! That was certainly a waste of time!” But then I reconsidered: I had spent perhaps five minutes (if that) doodling and watching to see what would come next. I enjoyed myself, …